Friday 8 February 2013

Audience Feedback

It is essential to carry out audience feedback as this way, I can easily analyse what the strengths and weaknesses of my thriller were. By carrying out audience feedback, I can get the opinions of my target audience on my thriller, which is important because it was designed around what the target audience wants and expects to see and I can now find out if that was successful. 

I screened my production by putting my thriller up on YouTube so the target audience can easily watch it and leave their feedback. YouTube helped me with this greatly, as it was incredibly easy for the target audience to leave their feedback and it was easy for them to access my thriller. 

I received both positive and constructive comments and these were;

Good Comments;

Interesting, realistic narrative, which was easy to follow. The first part of the narrative draws the audience in and makes them want to continue to watch. -Kira Reynolds

The sound went very well with the narrative of the film and the actors were very convincing and engaging. -Reggie Clark

Constructive Comments;

Use a wider variety of camera angles. -Jade Warden

More variety in the sound that is used. -Eren Sadik

By reflecting on these comments I have learned that I did succeed in creating a thriller which the target audience would enjoy, especially in terms of narrative and the actors used. I have also learned that there were improvements that could be made in order to make my thriller even more successful. If I could do this again, I would make changes such as making sure I used a wider variety of camera angles in order to keep the audience interested and engaged in the thriller. I would also use more than one type of soundtrack, which would guide the audiences emotions and change as the narrative gets more and less tense and sometimes cut out sound all together in order to build the suspense even further.