Thursday 18 October 2012


The choice of questions used in this questionnaire were very important. We had to make sure we chose questions that related to the area we wanted to study, and not include any irrelevant questions, as this way, our results would be more valid. As a group, we planned some questions that we would like to include, then selected the ones we believed would be the most relevant and get the best results that would help us the most. We printed out 40 copies of this questionnaire and divided them up between us as equally as we could. We each then asked a variety of different people, of different ages but still within the age of our target audience, to complete our questionnaire. This way, we were guaranteed to get a wide range of results, which would help us to know what most people look for and expect from thriller films, as opposed to a select few people's opinions. By doing this individually, we were able to make sure we surveyed a wider range of people, therefore getting a bigger variety of results and opinions. This is important because although the people surveyed were all around similar ages, they were very different types of people, therefore our results showed us lots of different opinions and we were more easily able to assess what the people from our target audience want and expect from a thriller film. 
Example of my questionnaire:

1) What gender are you?
      Male…..                Female….

2) How old are you?
11-12 …..      13-14….        15-16….     17-18….

3) Which age certificate do you prefer to watch in thrillers?
12 ….                   15….                     18….

4) What caused you to become interested in thriller films?
Adverts……        Film trailers……        Friends recommended them…… Other……

5) What would you expect to see in a thriller film?
Murder……      Villain and victim……    Hidden identities……..   Detective……... Weapons……..     Other……… 

6) Would you like to see a sequel to a thriller film? Why?

7) What type of sound would you expect to hear in a thriller film?
Sound effects…….     Tension building sound…….    Soundtrack/background music…….     No sound/natural sounds……...

8) What characters would you expect to see in a thriller film?
Male villain………….. Female villain……….. Male victim……….. Female victim……. Child………

9) What kind of actors would you expect to see in a thriller film?

10) Where would you expect a thriller film to be set?
Outdoors…….. Abandoned House……… Graveyard……… Forest……….. Other………..

11) What other genres would you expect in a thriller film?
Action……. Gangster…….. Comedy……  Adventure…… Other……..

12) What would you like the purpose of the film to be?
Inform….. Entertain…. Educate…… Instruct…… Other……


  1. Your questionnaire shows some understanding of why primary research is essential to a production, but you need to provide more evidence to explain the process you carried out

  2. This post now demonstrates a good understanding of why questionnaires are essential to a production
