Monday 12 November 2012

Character Representation

It is important to have a variety of characters and various representations within a thriller film because having different characters helps the audience to identity with at least one of the characters. It also helps to clearly show which character is the villain and which is the victim; both are characters that are conventional to thriller films. Representation of characters is also very important because, again, it helps the audience to identify with the characters, for example, a young female character, wearing white/light coloured clothes, causes the audience to instantly feel sympathy for her, and an older, strong male villain dressed in dark clothing instantly makes the audience fear the character and they straight away know that this character is the antagonist. My thriller film will have two characters, the villain and victim. 

The victim;
Name- Rowan
Age- 15
Gender- Female
Race- White
Background- Belongs to a middle class family, completely innocent. 
Purpose to the Narrative- She is the most recent victim of the antagonist and gets kidnapped, tied up and held prisoner in an abandoned house in the woods. This does not happen for any reason other than purely because she fits into the criteria of his obsession. As a female victim is incredibly conventional to a thriller, her character is very important to the narrative, as without her, the audience would not feel involved in the film as there would be no character they could connect with and feel sympathy and fear for. 
How will the Character Appeal to the Audience- She will appeal to the audience because she is young and innocent, and many people will be able to relate to her and feel sympathy for her. She also fits the conventions of a thriller because she is a weak female victim who has been overpowered by a man and the audience will expect to see this. 

The Villain;
Name- Reggie
Age- 30
Gender- Male
Race- White
Background- He spent most of his childhood in foster care, but his foster parents changed frequently, which left him feeling abandoned. He now has an obsession with young teenagers and chooses victims that look like each of his foster mothers as he feels that by torturing and killing girls who look similar, he is finally getting revenge on his 'mothers' for abandoning him as a child, something he was never able to forgive them for. 
Purpose to the Narrative- As he a male villain, his character is very conventional to thrillers, so is very important. This is because, without him, the film wouldn't be scary and there would be no suspense or fear, as the audience would have no one to fear and there would be very little enigma.
How will the Character Appeal to the Audience- He will appeal to the audience because he is a complex character with deep rooted issues. As he has already done things like this before, it helps build the fear the audience will feel towards him and this is all conventional to a thriller.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of how you will represent your characters within your thriller film. You have considered your two characters, but you need to expand on their purpose, by discussing your narrative in further detail.

    Finally, aim to include a still image to support the points that you are making.
