Thursday 29 November 2012

Planning Editing Styles

Editing is important because the different different shots all need to linked, or edited, together and the way they are edited can have a dramatic effect on the look and feel of the film. As there are so many different camera shots and angles within the film, editing is vitally important as the shots need to be put together in order for the film to flow and make sense. The following shot should should compliment its predecessor so that the audience are easily able to follow the sequence of events happening within the film. 

The types of editing we will use in our own film will be;

Slow editing- 
We decided to use slow editing because it builds suspense and draws the audience in because it causes the film to be more dramatic. We will use slow editing when the female character is sitting in the chair crying. We feel that slow editing would be the best type of editing to use at this point in the narrative because it builds up the suspense and tension. Slow editing is very conventional to thriller films because it helps to build up the suspense, fear and tension within the film. Slow editing involves the characters doing something in slow motion which adds effect to the scene. An example of this is the film 'The Strangers' when the female character is walking very slowly towards the door after hearing knocking. This makes the audience worry about who's behind the door and what might happen to her. The use of a conventional editing type such as slow editing will make our thriller successful because it is something the audience expects to see so they would enjoy our thriller more. 

We chose to use fade at the end of our opening sequence because the end shot involved the female character sitting in the chair and the male protagonist sitting on the floor near her legs. He drags the knife over the leg and the audience can see blood on her leg. He then plays with the knife and although its dark, the audience can see blood on the knife. The screen then fades to black which leaves an enigma as the audience wonders what's going to happen to the female next. A fade is  conventional editing style because the effect of the screen fading to black creates questions and suspense. The audience wonders what will happen next, how will it happen and why and the questions keep them interested and intrigued. As this is commonly used at the end of the film, it leaves the audience wanting more. This will make out thriller successful because it will keep he audience interested in our thriller and make the whole film more enjoyable. 

Jump cut- 
We used the jump cut when the female runs away from the antagonist in the forest. The camera is focusing on her from behind and the antagonist grabs her. At this point, the camera suddenly focuses on the male character. A jump cut is when the film suddenly focuses on something. This is conventional to thrillers because the technique of quickly changing the shot and focus makes the thriller fast paced and exciting and shows the audience the importance of certain characters. When we use this in our thriller, it's to shock the audience and the show the importance of the the antagonist. Due to the fact that this is a convention of a thriller film, the audience would expect to see this editing style, it will keep the interested so they will enjoy our thriller, consequently making it successful.

In conclusion, we chose to use editing styles that were very conventional to thriller films  because we knew that they were the things our target audience would expect to see. Important elements to include in our thriller would be the elements of shock, suspense and surprise, because these elements are something that our target audience will expect too see and also will draw the audience into the film and feel more engaged in the film, which will make it ultimately more enjoyable for our target audience. By making the edits, consequently our film, conventional to popular thriller films, it increases the chance that our own thriller will be more successful and popular. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of editing styles and why they are used within thriller films. You have discussed your points well and you have also considered some of the conventions.

    To make this post more detailed, you need to consider the role of shock, surprise and suspense in more detail within your summary
