Thursday 8 November 2012

Production Roles

Different Types of Roles Within Film Production 

It is very important for everyone within with film production to have their own role because that way, the production runs smoothy and successfully. Each role is important because they are all things that are essential to films, such as director and location manager. 


Camera Operator- It is the Camera Operators job to support the director and director of photography. They do this by carrying out instructions given to them regarding camera shots and development. Another responsibility of a camera operator is to make sure the camera movements are smooth and seamless.

Actors- Actors and actresses play a very important role within the film because without them, the film would not be successful. It's he actors job to be convincing and play the role the exact way the director wants them to, in order to make sure the film turns out the way it was planned. 

Sound Technician- It is the Sound Technicians job to assemble and operate the equipment which is used to record or reproduce sound. 

Editors- Editors are responsible for turning raw film material into a finished product which is suitable for broadcasting. They work with raw camera footage, dialogue, sound effects, special effects, and graphics. 

Film Director- The Film Director is responsible for the creative vision and overall style of the whole film. The director is also supported by lots of Assistant Directors who ensure the Directors ambitions are achieved. 
Location Manager- The main role of the Location Manager is to find ideal locations for the shoot. They also have to negotiate the the owners of the chosen location about issues such as cost and sound reduction and they have to make sure every location os handed back to the owner in satisfactory condition. 

Storyboard Organiser- The person is responsible for organising the storyboard. This is also important because it determines the plot behind each scene and lets everyone know what the aim of achievements is. 

Our Own Roles;

We then decided on our own roles for our film. 
I will be location manager. This is an important role as the location is a very important element in the film. I feel that I will do well in this role as I am good at making final decisions. I will also be storyboard organiser as when we looked at each other's storyboards and decided on which to use, mine was the main one the group chose.

Sumbal is the director because she is very organised and will be able to do the tasks very well. She will decide on which footage to use and put forward. Another role Sumbal will have is Sound technician, she will be in charge of choosing the sound that we will use in our thriller. 

Drew will be Camera Operator and set designer. This is a good role for him to be in because he has experience with camera's. He will be in charge of mise-en-scene and iconography.

We will all take on the role of editor as we feel that all our ideas are important and so we should all have an input in how the thriller is edited and consequently, how the final cut of our thriller looks. 


  1. You have defined the main production roles well and you have also considered what roles your group will take on.

    However, you still need to include the rest of the roles

  2. This post now demonstrates further understanding of the different production roles of a production
