Wednesday 14 November 2012

Individual Storyboard

When I was deciding on what I wanted my storyboard to include, I had to think about things that I hadn't though through before, such as lighting and camera shot. I had to go through my own narratiove andd decide which camera shots would be most efective, which lighting should go where, exactly what iconography I was going to use in each frame.
My idea's are very conventional to that of a thriller film because my location is a dark, empty forest. I chose this because a forest is a place where soemone could commit a crime and have a very good chance  of getting away with it, at least at first. Dark, lonely places like this are very conventional to  thriller because it makes the thriller more suspenseful as a dark, empty place could he hiding any number  of dangers.
Another convetion is the dark, abandoned room and this is covnetional because the chracter appears lonely and vulnerable inside the room and it also leads to an enigma as teh audience wonder how she got there and why she's there.
Weak, female victims and stronger, male antagonists are also a convetion of thriller films because men are typically stronger than females and the audience instantly feels sympathy for the vulnerable female character which leads them to fear the antagonist even more as they worry about the fate of the victim.
I also chose to use low key lighting because most thriller films are set at night in darkness, which creates mystery and fear and suspense. As this is a convetion of thriller films, inculding this is my thriller will makek my own more successful.
The iconogrpahy I chose is also very convetnional as most of the iconogrpahy is weapons, things that can cause pain and tormet to the victim, something that again is very commonly seen in thriller films. The use of the iconogrpahy used in the opening scene will cereate fear and suspense from the audience which is soemthing that the audience would expect to see in a thriller.
Me and my group shared each of our individual storyboards with the group. We looked at each others and discussed which elements we liked the most and used this information to start to put together ideas for our group storyboard.


  1. Your individual storyboard demonstrates some understanding of how you will film your production. However, you need to include further storyboards to support the two minute brief.

    How will your storyboard be shared amongst your group?

  2. What were these ideas that you discussed?
